+44 (0)1482 506560 / 505101 sales@datamarkuk.com

Card & Synthetic Tags

We supply a wide range of tags using a variety of materials from coated and uncoated board to various synthetic materials, with tear resistant options available. These tags are suitable for a multitude of applications ranging from product and patient identification to tracking and tracing of products in warehouse applications.

Typical applications for these products are:

  • Tear resistant tags for building materials
  • Strong and durable barcode tags for traceability
  • Heat-proof tags for a variety of applications
  • Passes for leisure activities
  • Retail price tags

Datamark offer non-adhesive tags which are used for a wide range of purposes, including retail price tags, cage cards and ‘work in progress’ control. At Datamark UK we produce and print non-adhesive tags and swing tickets in rolls on thermal transfer and direct thermal material, plain and printed, in a wide range of shapes and sizes.

Datamark offer some stock tool sizes and can originate new designs which can be overprinted using your own artwork, designs and information.

As well as punch holes we offer the inclusion of slots, perforations, along with tear-off portions and provision for print on both sides including colour coding. The finished product is supplied in rolls, fanfolded and can be overprinted by thermal transfer, laser and other methods.

Get In Touch

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For further details give us a call at +44 (0)1482 506560 or(0)1482 505101 or e-mail us using the box to the left for free helpful assistance.